![]() ![]() Government HelpQuick Links: Benefits | Citizens | Employment | Medical | Homes | Legal | Veterans | Business | Immigration | Taxes Social Security Disability Benefits Find out how to apply for Social Security Disability Benefits. Social Security Benefits See if you are eligible for benefits from the Social Security Administration. Social Security Offices Find a social security office in your area. Social Security Online Find out about social security benefits. Government Agricultural Loans Federal agricultural government loan information. Free Application for Federal Student Aid Application and guidelines for federal student aid. Lifeline and Link-Up Application Apply for discounted telephone service for low income customers. Lifeline and Link-Up Information Information about discounted telephone service for low income customers. Citizens (Return to Top) Florida Division of Elections Find your Supervisor of Elections in your county. Florida Voting Information Information on voter eligibility and registering to vote. Contact the President of the United States Email the President of the United States. Contact your U.S. House Representative Find contact information for your U.S. Representative. Florida House of Representatives Search by address to find out who your elected officials are. U.S. Passport Application Find the form you need to apply for a U.S. passport. U.S. Passports File a passport application, report a lost passport, or get a passport renewal. Contact your U.S. Senator Find contact information for your U.S. Senator. Employment (Return to Top) USA Jobs Find a job working for the federal government. Federal Jobs for Veterans Search for federal jobs for veterans and family members. Career OneStop/Workforce Locator Search for Career OneStop/Workforce centers in Florida. Employment for the Disabled Employment information for persons with disabilities. Florida Unemployment Internet Direct Claims File for unemployment online. Extended Unemployment Benefits Apply for extended unemployment benefits (Florida). Unemployment Benefit Estimator Get an estimation of potential weeks of unemployment eligibility and the total potential benefit dollars. Florida Workers Compensation Florida Workers Compensation information. Injured Worker Compensation Learn about workers' compensation benefits and how to report an injury or illness. Family Medical Leave Act Information about the Family Medical Leave Act. Rehabilitation and Reemployment Information (including local area offices) about the Bureas of Rehabilitation and Reemployment Services. Job Earnings Information Check the Occupational Outlook Handbook for information on jobs such as training and education required, earnings, expected job prospects and more. Recovery Act Information Florida job projects funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Medical (Return to Top) Medicaid Application Apply for Medicaid online. Medicaid Eligibility Find out if you are eligible to receive food stamps, cash, low or no cost health insurance, or help paying Medicare premiums. Medicaid Area Offices Find a Medicaid Area Office near you. Medicare General information about Medicare including eligibility, benefits, and how to enroll. Medicare Eligilibility Tool Find out if you are eligible for Medicare. Your Medicare Coverage Information about Medicare health care benefits. Medicare Prescription Drug Assistance Get extra help to pay for the premiums, deductibles, and co-payments related to the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan. Cover Florida Healthcare Florida sponsored healthcare plans. Cobra Eligilibility Find out about your eligibility for COBRA here. Health Resources and Services Administration Find a federally-funded health care center near you. Statewide Inpatient Psychiatric Programs Find the statewide inpatient Psychiatric Program (SIPP) facility in your area. File a Healthcare complaint Information about filing a complaint against a Florida health care professional (1-866-966-7226). Florida Department of Health Complaint Search Search for past complaints against health professional businesses or organizations. Florida Patient Bill of Rights Read the Florida Patient Bill of Rights statute. Florida Agency for Persons with Disabilities Find an area office of the APD near you. Agency for Persons with Disabilities Agency for Persons with Disabilities information. Florida Health Care Projects funded by ARRA Florida health care projects funded by the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act. Homes (Return to Top) Government Homebuying Loans Find a federally-funded housing loan, compare options and determine your eligibility. First Time Homebuyer Program Information on the First Time Homebuyer Program. Florida Homeownership Assistance Need help buying a home? You may qualify for one of these programs. Florida Homebuyer Opportunity Program Financial assistance for first time homebuyers. State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Find State Housing Initiative Parternship contacts by city and county. Making Home Affordable Help for America's homeowners. Florida Homeownership Resources that can help you buy, maintain and keep your home. Public Housing Agencies List of Public Housing Agencies contact information by county and city. Florida Mortgage Payment Assistance Get Mortgage payment assistance (for Florida homeowners only). Florida Property Appraisers Find a Florida Property Appraiser near you. Emergency Financial Assistance for Housing The Emergency Financial Assistance for Housing program for families who are totally without shelter or face the loss of shelter because of non-payment of rent or mortgage. Weatherization Assistance County-by-County Weatherization Agency Listing. Home Energy Assistance Agencies to assist low-income families with home heating and cooling costs. Legal (Return to Top) Family Law Get answers to legal questions, sample forms, and information about the courts, lawyers and social service organizations that provide services. Florida Family Court Forms Download Florida Family Court forms here. Clerk of Courts Locator Find your local Clerk of Courts Office to pay a traffic ticket online, file a small claims case, find an official record or more. Florida Death Certificates How to order a Florida death certificate. Florida Driver License Check Check the status of any Florida driver's license. Change Your Name Form and instructions to legally change your name in Florida. Expunging a Criminal Record Find out how to seal or expunge a criminal record. Sexual Offenders and Predators Search for any registered sexual offender or predator. Florida Sexual Offenders and Predators Florida Department of Law Enforcement's site about Florida Sexual Offenders and Predators. Florida Prison and Probation Office Locator Information on Florida prisons and probation and parole facilities. Florida Department of Corrections Search for inmates, fugitives and other criminal offenders. Florida Permits & Licensing Information about Florida licensing, permits and registrations. Florida Hunting/Fishing Licenses Florida hunting and fishing licenses. The Florida Constitution Read the constitution of the State of Florida. Florida Statutes Read the 2009 Florida Statutes online. Florida Municipal Codes Free municipal and county codes and ordinances. Department of Labor Minimum Wages Information about Florida's minimum wage laws. Business & Professional Regulation Professions that require a Florida license. Florida Legislature Offical Internet site of the Florida Legislature. Florida Administrative Code Find Florida rules and laws. United States Copyright Office How to get a copyright for your work. FAQ's, laws, and your rights. Banking Regulations Florida laws pertaining to banks and financial institutions. Trademarks and Patents Apply, check, verify, and learn more for patents and trademarks. Becoming a Florida Licensed Child Care Provider Forms needed to become a Florida licensed child care provider. Veterans (Return to Top) Department of Veteran Affairs Veterans benefits and services information. Veteran Benefits in Florida A guide to benefits for Florida veterans. Veteran Benefits Application Apply for veterans benefits online. Veterans Affairs Find Veterans Affairs facilities in Florida. Veterans Loans Find government loans for veterans. GI Bill Information and Application Find out about the GI Bill and how to apply. Veteran Nursing Facility Information Find veterans' homes and skilled nursing facilities. Military Family Employment Advocacy Program Job assistance for military families. Veterans Suicide Prevention Hotline Suicide prevention hotline for veterans. Veterans Preference Legal information about Veterans Preference and employment for veterans. Deceased Veteran Family Support Support for families of deceased military veterans. Business (Return to Top) Florida Business Licenses Apply for a Florida business license, renew your business license, check on continuing education requirements. File a complaint. How to Write a Business Plan Information on writing a business plan. Florida Business Forms Corporations, trademarks, limited partnerships, limited liability companies. Florida Corporations Companies, partnerships, trademarks, fictitious name registrations and liens. Doing business with Florida govenmental agencies Vendor tools, responsibilities and information. Business Start-Up Information Starting a business in Florida. Business Start-Up Information (myflorida.com) Getting started in a Florida business. Recovery - Track the Money Access to information related to Recovery Act spending. Allows for the reporting of potential fraud, waste, and abuse. Florida Infrastruction Projects funded by ARRA Florida infrastructure projects funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Immigration (Return to Top) Become a U.S. Citizen Information about becoming a U.S. citizen through naturalization. U.S. Immigration Forms U.S. Immigration Forms and instructions. Immigration Forms Electronic forms and information about filing for immigration and residency. Immigration Appointments Make an appointment with an Immigration Information Officer using INFOPASS. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services INFOPASS Learn about INFOPASS, an Internet-based system that allows the public to make an appointment to speak with an Immigration Information Officer. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Information on working in the U.S. and how to immigrate (1-800-375-5283). U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Videos Immigration videos by the Department of Immigration. Taxes (Return to Top) Where's My Tax Refund? Check the status of an IRS refund. Florida Tax Forms Florida tax forms for businesses and consumers. Filing Taxes Online Free File for Federal Income Taxes (online). Florida Tax Forms Florida State tax forms. Property Tax Information Information about property taxes in Florida. Determining Employee Status Information to help determine whether you are an independent contractor or employee. Small Business Tax Center Apply for EIN, federal forms, and publications from the IRS. Filing Florida Small Business Taxes Filing and paying Florida small business taxes. Tax Calendar for Small Businesses Tax Calendar for small businesses. Small Business Tax Deductions An explanation of small business tax deductions. Small Business Tax Help Small business tax help and training. File a Florida Corporate Return File annual Florida corporate tax returns. Tax Information for Starting, Opening, and Closing a Business Starting, operating, and closing a business. Business Topics Index A-Z Tax index for businesses. Florida Business Taxes Florida Department of Revenue-Business Taxes. Tax Guide for Employers Employer's Tax Guide (Circular E). Small Business Tax Health Care Credit An explanation of small business health care tax credit. Public Housing (Return to Top) Florida Education Projects funded by ARRA Florida education projects funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (stimulus). *All resources and topics above are a representative sample. While it is not possible to include all potential government resources, we will continue to add more resources and topics as our E-Government policies evolve. |